Monday 22 April 2013

Every Thing Is Gonna Be Ok

I'm so miss you all, when we are able to meet together ? All of you always sended message to me.
Sir,,, you are going to visit  in our place and do you have planed to come back  at genta course ?
But now, i'm so confuse and what wiil i do ?
I needed long time if i will come back at genta course and your place.
I'm only giving you all mativation and suggestion for spirit into study.
Insyaallah but when i can visit in your both place and genta .
Remind That

Saturday 6 April 2013

Santri Gaul At Curug Ciputri Kuningan

Bernostalgia Bersama Alumnus Pondok Pesantren Nuurusshiddiiq Cirebon

Curug Ciputri Kuningan
Kehadiranmu takkan membuat kita terpesona
Kehadiranmu takkan membuat bisa meluluhkan hati kita
Kehadiranmu takkan dapat melukai perasaan kita
Kehadiranmu takkan bisa membuat bahagia didalam jiwa kita
Kehadiranmulah yang dapat membutakan hati ,, perasaan ,, dan jiwa kita

*** Janganlah Takut Sobat Kepada Kebenaran Yang Reality ***

Togetherness Santri Putri Dengan Ustadzah

Togetherness Santri Putri Dengan Ustadzah Ketika Haul Dan Miladz Nuurusshiddiiq

All Of Santri Putri With Ustadzah

Kebersamaan akan tercipta apabila, saling tolong menolong antar sesama yang akan menjadikan imposibble menjadi possible,, dislike menjadi like,, itulah artinya sebuah kerukunan yang terjadi ketika terciptanya kbersamaan yang amat ceria nan gembira,, Kebersamaan tak memandang ras,, suku,, budaya,, agama,, karakter,, prinsip,, yang dibutuhkan hanyalah solidaritas terhadap sesama .. Thank You

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

 Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW At Pondok Pesantren Nuurusshiddiiq


Syech Musthofa & Syech Wahid Mesir Berfoto Bersama Santri Putra PonPes NSQ

Santri Pondok Pesantren Nuurusshiddiiq Bersama 
Syech Mushtofa Dan Syech Wahid

Ahahaha.... Dicky,,, Husni,,, Wahidin,,, Davi,,, Oman,,, Wisnu,,, Andri,,, Away,,, Didit,,, Mulvi,,, Yudi,,, Miftah,,, Hadi,,, Adi,,, Slamet,,, Arif,,, Ludi,, Faiz,,, Abed,,,
Ustadz Ahmad,,, Syech Mushtofa,,, Syech Wahid,,, Ustadz Absorin,,,

*** Yesterday Is History
*** Today Is Reality
*** Tomorrow Is Mistery

Do More Everyday Make Batter Person

Our Future In Our Hand Or Young Generation

Best Friends From Junior High Scholl

All Of Best Friends From Junior High School
We are young generation,,, We will change of the world in our hand,,, We be going to do the best for our generation,,, We be going to keep our spirit for our future couse so important for us,,, Our future is our future of the world in whereever and whenever we are staying,,, Our Future Is Our Hand Or Young Generation,, If young generation is like a lazy person,, A lot of our  future is useles and can not reach a lot of future...
The Hard Of Something Is The Easy Of Something For Our Future...
Do't Say Cannot  Couse If You Say Cannot The Real Of Our Life Will Be Hard,,, You Must Say Heven't Can Couse If You Say Like Tha,,, Everythimg In Our Face Is So Easy...
You Are My Everything For Our Life...
Do The Best, Don't Be Self Is The Best Caouse Everything Is Gonna Be OK ...

Monday 4 March 2013

The Best Friend Picture

Jadikan Lembut Itu Hati
Jadikan Tipis Itu Benci
Jadikan Tebal Itu Iman
Jadikan Tajam Itu Akal
Jadikan Baik Itu Sifat
Jadikan Manis Itu Senyuman

Out Bound Mamber Of Genta Course

Out Bound Mamber Of Genta Course

Togetherness With All of The Teachers and Mambers Of Genta Course 

I'm behind you

One Of Group Out Bound In The Ubalan, Pere - Kediri
I see you are silent
soluble in silence
lonely your heart

I know you are tired
heavy to go
where toward you

calm down calm
I am beside you always
there is keep you

calm down calm
I am always your side
there is leaded you

The Picture Another Group In The Ubalan,Pare-Kediri 
close your eyes
do not ever hesitant
to go

reach over all
imagination and dreams
this is your time

lean your head in


calm down calm
I am beside you always
there is keep you

Mamber Genta Course - Bassic 1

Kumulan Bahasa : (Saya Ingin Pulang) 

Lamongan : Aku kape mantok

Makassar : Elo'ka lisu dikampongku / A'raka minko rikampongku

Melayu : Sayae mau bale

Surabaya : Saya pingin bale

Cirebon : Isun pengen balik

Indramayu : Reang pen balik

Madura : Engka terro moleah

Probolinggo : Qu pingin balek

Jakarta : Gue pengen pulang

Sunday 3 March 2013

Relationship Student Of Elementary School

The Picture Of Studens Of SDN 1 KEMLAKA GEDE CIREBON
All of Studens With All Of Theachers 
     Past we joke together each other,laugh together through thick and thin. 
      Past we unite with one another. care for one another,  
but why, all come into a very painfully farewell
In my heart there's only you and a shadow of the fondest  memories or not 
     Could we restart from early  for all failurecould be 
     Might you still have  knew me updated again even as smallas seeds Syahwi. I want to us together again like once was,and  
      I do not want nothing else is a very painful farewell among me and you